ECS Graceful Shutdown

When deploying to ECS, ECS will receive SIGTERM, it is a signal asking containers to get ready to be terminated. Default wait time is 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, the containers will receive SIGKILL and the containers will be stopped. If our Sidekiq takes 40 seconds on average to process jobs, we should extend the wait time a bit longer so Sidekiq can finish processing jobs without being interrupted.

The default wait time stopTimeout can be overridden in Copilot. We will extend wait time to 50 seconds:


copilot svc override

This will generate the following files:


Add the following command to the yml

- op: add
  path: /Resources/TaskDefinition/Properties/ContainerDefinitions/0/StopTimeout
  value: 50

After next deployment, we can go to ECS tasks and verify that stopTimeout has been added: Screen Shot 2023-05-14 at 8 55 52 pm

We will also pass -t parameter to worker containers. -t is the number of seconds Sidekiq is expected to finish processing jobs. If average job processing time is 40 seconds, we will pass -t 40:


CMD ["bundle", "exec", "sidekiq", "-t", "40", "-C", "/rails/config/sidekiq_worker.yml"]